
| [编辑:在底部添加矩形定义。] [Edit2:在底部添加了XYPoint界面。] 我正在研究一种方法,该方法检查两个矩形是否重叠。 (是的,我正在使用Objective-C的Kochan编程,正在做练习,对此我感到很痛苦。)编译此文件时,错误消息是:\“无效的操作数到二进制+ \” 。我在第一个if语句及其后的if-else中得到它。 我认为我对指针有问题,但是Kochan并没有太多谈论。 而且,如果我删除这些行,则该方法的其余部分都可以正常工作。并且相关的变量都是浮点型的。 救命? 同样,完全欢迎您对该方法提出任何其他想法。 (例如,我如何使代码行不会持续太长时间。就像我说的那样,这很痛苦。)
-(void) overlap: (Rectangle *)r2

overlapRectangle = [[Rectangle alloc] init];
leftRectangle = [[Rectangle alloc] init];
rightRectangle = [[Rectangle alloc] init];
lowerRectangle = [[Rectangle alloc] init];
upperRectangle = [[Rectangle alloc] init];

BOOL xIntersect = NO;
BOOL yIntersect = NO;

//  Test to see if the Rectangle contains, or is equal to, Rectangle b

if (origin.x <= r2.origin.x && origin.y <= r2.origin.y && (origin.x + width) >= (r2.origin + r2.width) && (origin.y + height) >= (r2.origin.y + r2.height) ) 
    overlapRectangle = r2;

//  Test to see if Retangle b contains, or is equal to, the Rectangle

else if (origin.x >= r2.origin.x && origin.y >= r2.origin.y && origin.x + width <= r2.origin + r2.width && origin.y + height <= r2.origin.y + r2.height ) 
    overlapRectangle = self;

//  I should add tests for triangles overlapping on three 
//  sides or overlapping  on two sides, but I\'m not going 
//  to right now. Just learning objects and methods.

//  Test to see if rectangles overlap on the x-axis 
//  Current is an if, because I wanted to run the code below
//  to see if it worked, and it did. 

if (origin.x <= r2.origin.x)
    leftRectangle = self;
    rightRectangle = r2;
    rightRectangle = self;
    leftRectangle = r2;

if (rightRectangle.origin.x + rightRectangle.width > leftRectangle.origin.x) 
    xIntersect = YES;

//  Test to see if rectangles overlap on the y-axis

if (origin.y <= r2.origin.y)
    lowerRectangle = self;
    upperRectangle = r2;
    lowerRectangle = self;
    upperRectangle = r2;

if (lowerRectangle.origin.y + lowerRectangle.height > upperRectangle.origin.y) 
    yIntersect = YES;

//  If retangles overlap on both the x-axis and y-axis, 
//  determination of overlapping rectangle\'s origin, height, and width
//  and display same.

if (xIntersect == YES && yIntersect == YES) 
    overlapRectangle.origin.y = upperRectangle.origin.y;
    overlapRectangle.origin.x = rightRectangle.origin.x;
    overlapRectangle.height = lowerRectangle.height - (upperRectangle.origin.y - lowerRectangle.origin.y);
    overlapRectangle.width = leftRectangle.width - (rightRectangle.origin.x - leftRectangle.origin.x);

    NSLog (@\"Your rectangles overlap.\");
    NSLog (@\"Rectangle: w = %g, h = %g\", overlapRectangle.width, overlapRectangle.height);
    NSLog (@\"Area = %g, Perimeter = %g\", [overlapRectangle area], [overlapRectangle perimeter]);
    NSLog (@\"Origin at (%g, %g)\", overlapRectangle.origin.x, overlapRectangle.origin.y);

    NSLog (@\"Your rectangles do not overlap.\");

[overlapRectangle autorelease];
[leftRectangle autorelease];
[rightRectangle autorelease];
[lowerRectangle autorelease];
[upperRectangle autorelease];

矩形定义: //接口,矩形类
@interface Rectangle : NSObject

    float width;
    float height;
    XYPoint *origin;

    // For overlapping calculations

    Rectangle *overlapRectangle;
    Rectangle *leftRectangle; 
    Rectangle *rightRectangle; 
    Rectangle *lowerRectangle; 
    Rectangle *upperRectangle; 

@property float width, height;

-(XYPoint *) origin;
-(void) setOrigin: (XYPoint *) pt;
-(void) setWidth: (float) w andHeight: (float) h;
-(float) area;        
-(float) perimeter;   
-(void) print;
-(void) translate;
-(void) overlap: (Rectangle *)r2;
-(void) draw;

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface XYPoint : NSObject
    float x;
    float y;

@property float x, y;

-(void) setX: (float) xVal andY: (float) yVal;

// Test to see if the Rectangle contains, or is equal to, 
// Rectangle b

if (origin.x <= r2.origin.x && origin.y <= r2.origin.y && 
   (origin.x + width) >= (r2.origin + r2.width) && 
                         //^^^This is trying to add an XYPoint,
                         // which is an object, to a float.
   (origin.y + height) >= (r2.origin.y + r2.height) ) 
   overlapRectangle = r2;

// Test to see if Rectangle b contains, or is equal to, 
// the Rectangle
else if (origin.x >= r2.origin.x && origin.y >= r2.origin.y && 
         origin.x + width <= r2.origin + r2.width && 
                            //^^^Same thing.
         origin.y + height <= r2.origin.y + r2.height ) 
编译器应该已经告诉您要添加的类型是什么:   错误:对二进制+无效的操作数(具有\'struct XYPoint * \'和\'float \') 这就是关键。您只需要将
,即可添加两个浮点数。 至于行的长度,您可以做两件事。您可以像我一样将条件的每个部分移到不同的行,但是最好为ѭ6创建两个方法来为您做测试。这将使代码更具可读性,因此当您在六个月后再次使用它时,该行显示为:
if( [self containsRectangle:r2] || [self isEqualToRectangle:r2] ){
- (BOOL)containsRectangle:(Rectangle *)otherRect {
    BOOL originBelow = ((origin.x <= otherRect.origin.x) && 
                        (origin.y <= otherRect.origin.y));
    float maxX = origin.x + width;
    float otherMaxX = otherRect.origin.x + otherRect.width;
    BOOL maxXGreater = maxX >= otherMaxX;
    Bfloat maxY = origin.y + height;
    float otherMaxY = otherRect.origin.y + otherRect.height;
    BOOL maxYGreater = maxY >= otherMaxY;
    return originBelow && maxXGreater && maxYGreater;

- (BOOL)isEqualToRectangle:(Rectangle *)otherRect {
    BOOL sizeEqual = ((width == otherRect.width) && 
                      (height == otherRect.height));
    return sizeEqual && [origin isEqualToXYPoint:otherRect.origin];

注意:我没有测试它们,只是将它们粘贴到9英镑的条件下,所以在使用它们之前请仔细检查它们。我确实解决了错字。 注意,我还在这里的
