
我创建了一个名为CaseInsensitive的类,它包装了一个字符串(请参阅实现在Scala中执行不区分大小写的比较的字符串类)。 我创建了一个case类,它有一个CaseInsensitive类型的成员变量,所以它得到一个默认的unapply方法,它提取一个CaseInsensitive类型的变量,但是我希望像这样使用它:
case class PropertyKey( val name : CaseInsensitive )

val foo = new PropertyKey("foo")
val result = foo match {
  case PropertyKey("foo") => true
  case _ => false
type mismatch;
 found   : java.lang.String("foo")
 required: com.acme.CaseInsensitive 
case class PropertyKey( val name : CaseInsensitive )

val foo = new PropertyKey("foo")
val result = foo match {
  case PropertyKey(CaseInsensitive("foo")) => true
  case _ => false
/** Used to enable us to easily index objects by string, case insensitive
 * Note: this class preserve the case of your string!
case class CaseInsensitive ( val _s : String ) extends Proxy {
  require( _s != null)

  val self = _s.toLowerCase
  override def toString = _s

  def i = this // convenience implicit conversion

object CaseInsensitive {
  implicit def CaseInsensitive2String(c : CaseInsensitive) = if ( c == null ) null else c._s
  implicit def StringToCaseInsensitive(s : String) = CaseInsensitive(s)

  def fromString( s : String ) = s match {
    case null => None
    case _ => Some(CaseInsensitive(s))
object PropertyKeyCI {
  def unapply(p: PropertyKey): Option[String] = Some(p.name.self)
  val foo = new PropertyKey("foo")
  val result = foo match {
    case PropertyKeyCI("foo") => true
    case _ => false
(坏语义警报) 虽然请注意,这与PropertyKeyCI(“Foo”)匹配为false,因为您的“CaseInsensitive”类实际上是“LowerCase”类。我这样说是因为我很难想象unapply()方法会产生什么样的行为。从您的case类默认情况下,您将返回原始(未解除的)字符串的Option [String],这会给出这种不直观的行为:
  // result == false !!!!
  val foo = new CaseInsensitive("Foo")
  val result = foo match {
    case CaseInsensitive("foo") => true
    case _ => false
  val CaseInsensitive(s) = "aBcDeF"
  assertFalse(s == "abcdef")
Awwww ....折腾它。只需使用DOS。     
