
| 嘿,刚开始使用Lucene.NET,有人想知道是否有人通过一个经过多面搜索的Lucene.NET实例。 我知道以下链接 看起来不错,但它所做的只是告诉我多面搜索的结果数量,但实际上却不告诉我如何检索这些结果的索引和详细信息。即与在Lucene.NET中进行常规搜索一样。 即从该链接,他有以下片段
    private static void FacetedSearch(string indexPath, string genre, string term){
var searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexPath);
// first get the BitArray result from the genre query
var genreQuery = new TermQuery(new Term(\"genre\", genre));
var genreQueryFilter = new QueryFilter(genreQuery);
BitArray genreBitArray = genreQueryFilter.Bits(searcher.GetIndexReader());
Console.WriteLine(\"There are \" + GetCardinality(genreBitArray) + \" document with the genre \" + genre);

// Next perform a regular search and get its BitArray result
Query searchQuery = MultiFieldQueryParser.Parse(term, new[] {\"title\", \"description\"}, new[] {BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD}, new StandardAnalyzer());
var searchQueryFilter = new QueryFilter(searchQuery);
BitArray searchBitArray = searchQueryFilter.Bits(searcher.GetIndexReader());
Console.WriteLine(\"There are \" + GetCardinality(searchBitArray) + \" document containing the term \" + term);

// Now do the faceted search magic, combine the two bit arrays using a binary AND operation
BitArray combinedResults = searchBitArray.And(genreBitArray);
Console.WriteLine(\"There are \" + GetCardinality(combinedResults) + \" document containing the term \" + term + \" and which are in the genre \" + genre);
这将告诉我,即搜索词“都柏林”有2条记录,而类型为“财务”,这很完美,但本文似乎跳过了该部分,它说了如何检索这些索引的部分结果并显示在屏幕上。 他的确在下面的链接中对此进行了说明,以进行常规搜索,但不进行面搜索。 即普通搜索
    private static void Search(string indexPath, string term)
// create searcher
var searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexPath);

// create a query which searches through the title and description, the term can be in the title or the description
Query searchQuery = MultiFieldQueryParser.Parse(term, new[] {\"title\", \"description\"}, new[] {BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD, BooleanClause.Occur.SHOULD}, new StandardAnalyzer());

// perform the search
Hits hits = searcher.Search(searchQuery);

// loop through all the hits and show their title
for (int hitIndex = 0; hitIndex < hits.Length(); hitIndex++)
// get the corresponding document
Document hitDocument = hits.Doc(hitIndex);

// write its title to the console
} 任何帮助将不胜感激 编辑: 还是应该执行搜索查询,然后对结果进行过滤?     
BitArray代表匹配。每个1都有一个索引,等于文档ID 因此1001001表示索引中位置为0、3和6的文档与您的搜索匹配。您只需要从Lucene索引中检索它们即可。
var searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexPath);

// get document at position 0
var doc = searcher.Doc( 0 );
