
| 我有一个ajax请求,这在我的Rails 3.0.9应用程序中引起了问题。我可以在日志中看到问题,但是我不知道是什么原因在ajax调用和渲染之间触发了它。这是日志,还有我不想在它旁边加上**的事件:
Started DELETE \"/notifications/13\" for at 2011-06-21 22:08:39 -0500
  Processing by NotificationsController#destroy as JS
  Parameters: {\"id\"=>\"13\"}
  SQL (0.4ms)   SELECT name
 FROM sqlite_master
 WHERE type = \'table\' AND NOT name = \'sqlite_sequence\'

  SQL (0.3ms)   SELECT name
 FROM sqlite_master
 WHERE type = \'table\' AND NOT name = \'sqlite_sequence\'
  User Load (0.8ms)  SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE \"users\".\"id\" = 1 LIMIT 1
  Slug Load (0.4ms)  SELECT \"slugs\".* FROM \"slugs\" WHERE (\"slugs\".sluggable_id = 1 AND \"slugs\".sluggable_type = \'User\') ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1
  ****AREL (0.3ms)  UPDATE \"users\" SET \"remember_token\" = NULL, \"remember_created_at\" = NULL, \"updated_at\" = \'2011-06-22 03:08:40.084049\', \"preferences\" = \'---
:email_notifications: \'\'true\'\'
\' WHERE \"users\".\"id\" = 1
  Notification Load (0.2ms)  SELECT \"notifications\".* FROM \"notifications\" WHERE \"notifications\".\"id\" = 13 LIMIT 1
  User Load (0.9ms)  SELECT \"users\".* FROM \"users\" WHERE \"users\".\"id\" = 1 LIMIT 1
  AREL (0.3ms)  UPDATE \"users\" SET \"notifications_count\" = COALESCE(\"notifications_count\", 0) - 1 WHERE \"users\".\"id\" = 1
  AREL (0.1ms)  DELETE FROM \"notifications\" WHERE \"notifications\".\"id\" = 13
Completed 200 OK in 1334ms
我想以某种方式逐步调试此请求,就像您可以使用firebug逐步执行javascript中的函数一样。 有没有办法像这样调试,所以我可以看到如何调用特定的AREL命令?     
        您是否看过Ruby on Rails指南-调试?您可以像在gdb中进行调试 该railscast也非常有用。     
