
| 在Micro Focus Cobol Eclipse中运行Cobol程序时出现错误。不知道为什么会这样。请帮助我,因为我必须将此作为我明天大作业的一部分提交。 另一个问题,如果可能的话,请为我提供变量的帮助,我将其放在“本地存储”部分中。例如,在Java中,我想将其设置为全局方法以获取每种方法? 控制文件:
   Identification Division.
    Program-Id. Client.
    Environment Division.
    Configuration Section.
    Class Student.

    Data Division.
    Working-Storage Section.
    01 H object reference Student.

    Procedure Division.

        display \"goodbye goodbye\".                
        Invoke Student \"new\" returning H.
        Invoke H \"sayHello\".
        Invoke H \"GetAverage\" .
        Invoke H \"Grading\".

    Exit Program.
    End Program Client.
   class-id. Student data is protected 
  *            inherits from base with data
   inherits Base.

   object section.
       Student is class \"student\"
       base is class \"base\"
   working-storage section.

   object-storage section.

   Method-Id. sayHello.
    Procedure Division.
            Display \"Hello World!\".
  *         Display \"I\'m hello\".
    End Method sayHello.

   method-id. \"GetAverage\".
   local-storage section.

   linkage section.
   01 English  pic 99 value 9.
   01 Math     pic 99 value 5.
   01 AverMark pic 99 value 3.
   procedure division using by reference English,
                               by reference Math.
  *                            returning AverMark.

       COMPUTE AverMark = (English+Math)/2
       Display \"Average mark is \", AverMark.
       Accept English.
   exit method.
   end method \"GetAverage\".

   method-id. \"Grading\"
   local-storage section.

   linkage section.
   01 AverMark pic 9.
   01 Grade pic X.
   procedure division using by reference AverMark.
  *                            returning Grade.

   IF AverMark < 5 
       MOVE \"FAIL\" TO Grade
       MOVE \"PASS\" TO Grade.

   exit method.
   end method \"Grading\".

   end class-object.

   end class Student.  
结果是: 再见再见 执行错误:文件\'Client \' 错误代码:243,pc = 0,调用= 1,seg = 0 找不到243错误讯息文字     
        根据Micro Focus网站上的文档,错误243解释如下。 \“ COBRT243类无法加载(致命) 加载对象类的尝试失败,因为该类不包含有效的Class-Control节,或者因为该类的定义不正确。\“ 检查您是否正确定义了Student。     
