
| 我决定遵循http://www.artfulsoftware.com/mysqlbook/sampler/mysqled1ch20.html 所以现在我在寻找有关代码的帮助。 我正在使用他们的数据进行测试, 因此,我将树想象成这样:
    array(\'value\' => \'Richard Shakespeare\',
        array(\'value\' => \'Henry\',
            array(\'value\' => \'Joan\'),
            array(\'value\' => \'Margaret\'),
            array(\'value\' => \'William\',
                array(\'value\' => \'Susana\',
                    array(\'value\' => \'Elizabeth Hall\',
                        array(\'value\' => \'John Bernard\'))),
                array(\'value\' => \'Hamnet\'),
                array(\'value\' => \'Judith\',
                    array(\'value\' => \'Shakespeare Quiney\'),
                    array(\'value\' => \'Richard Quiney\'),
                    array(\'value\' => \'Thomas Quiney\'))),
            array(\'value\' => \'Gilbert\'),
            array(\'value\' => \'Joan\',
                array(\'value\' => \'William Hart\'),
                array(\'value\' => \'Mary Hart\'),
                array(\'value\' => \'Thomas Hart\'),
                array(\'value\' => \'Micheal Hart\')),
            array(\'value\' => \'Anne\'),
            array(\'value\' => \'Richard\'),
            array(\'value\' => \'Edmond\')),
        array(\'value\' => \'John\'));
    [0] => Array
            [value] => Richard Shakespeare
            [left] => 1
            [right] => 46

    [1] => Array
            [value] => Henry
            [left] => 2
            [right] => 43

    [2] => Array
            [value] => Joan
            [left] => 3
            [right] => 4

    [3] => Array
            [value] => Margaret
            [left] => 5
            [right] => 6

    [4] => Array
            [value] => William
            [left] => 7
            [right] => 24

    [5] => Array
            [value] => Susana
            [left] => 8
            [right] => 13

    [6] => Array
            [value] => Elizabeth Hall
            [left] => 9
            [right] => 12

    [7] => Array
            [value] => John Bernard
            [left] => 10
            [right] => 11

    [8] => Array
            [value] => Hamnet
            [left] => 14
            [right] => 15

    [9] => Array
            [value] => Judith
            [left] => 16
            [right] => 23

    [10] => Array
            [value] => Shakespeare Quiney
            [left] => 17
            [right] => 18

    [11] => Array
            [value] => Richard Quiney
            [left] => 19
            [right] => 20

    [12] => Array
            [value] => Thomas Quiney
            [left] => 21
            [right] => 22

    [13] => Array
            [value] => Gilbert
            [left] => 25
            [right] => 26

    [14] => Array
            [value] => Joan
            [left] => 27
            [right] => 36

    [15] => Array
            [value] => William Hart
            [left] => 28
            [right] => 29

    [16] => Array
            [value] => Mary Hart
            [left] => 30
            [right] => 31

    [17] => Array
            [value] => Thomas Hart
            [left] => 32
            [right] => 33

    [18] => Array
            [value] => Micheal Hart
            [left] => 34
            [right] => 35

    [19] => Array
            [value] => Anne
            [left] => 37
            [right] => 38

    [20] => Array
            [value] => Richard
            [left] => 39
            [right] => 40

    [21] => Array
            [value] => Edmond
            [left] => 41
            [right] => 42

    [22] => Array
            [value] => John
            [left] => 44
            [right] => 45

因此,这个问题浮现在脑海,如何最好地做到这一点? 我的解决方案是:
$container = array();

function children($item){
  $children = 0;
  foreach($item as $node)
      $children += children($node)+1;
    return $children;

function calculate($item, &$container, $data = array(0,0)){
  //althought this one is actually of no use, it could be useful as it contains a count 
  $data[0]++; //$left

  $right = ($data[0]+(children($item)*2))+1;

  //store the values in the passed container
  $container[] = array(
    \'value\' => $item[\'value\'],
    \'left\'  => $data[0],
    \'right\' => $right,

  //continue looping
  $level = $data[1]++;
  foreach($item as &$node)
      $data = calculate($node, $container, $data);

    $data[1] = $level;
    return $data;

calculate($tree, $container);
我不知道它的效率如何。 但是现在进入查询。 要选择节点的所有后代,我们可以使用
SELECT child.value AS \'Descendants of William\', COUNT(*) AS `Level`
FROM tester AS parent
JOIN tester AS child ON child.`left` BETWEEN parent.`left` AND parent.`right`
WHERE parent.`left` > 7 AND parent.`right` < 24
GROUP BY child.value ORDER BY `level`;
要选择节点的所有后代,可以使用特定深度 请注意,我们选择威廉的后代至2的深度 威廉姆斯左:7,威廉姆斯右:24,级别:2
SELECT child.value AS \'Descendants of William\', COUNT(*) AS `Level`
FROM tester AS parent
JOIN tester AS child ON child.`left` BETWEEN parent.`left` AND parent.`right`
WHERE parent.`left` > 7 AND parent.`right` < 24
GROUP BY child.value HAVING `level` <= 2 ORDER BY `level`;
因此,这很容易。 但是现在我想知道几件事, 请注意,在实际数据库以及左/右中,所有行均具有唯一的ID,以及包含其邀请者ID的\“ parent \”列;如果未邀请,则为null 假设我想在
,我该怎么做? 假设我想获得7英镑的父母和8英镑的父母父母,我该怎么做? 假设我要从ѭ10删除
William Hart
值。 您可以在此处找到查询示例。   我不知道它的效率如何。 嵌套集对更新/插入/删除中的大树非常缓慢地起作用。而且选择速度非常快。 因此,仅将此模型与静态数据一起使用,该静态数据通常在大多数情况下都不会更改,并且该树不会包含数千个节点(或者任何更新将需要几分钟的时间才能完成)。物化路径的运行速度更快。     
         要获得节点的父节点,您需要具有left_id child.right_id的节点,如果您只希望直接祖先从以前的集合中选择一个具有最高left_id的节点。 要删除节点,请将其删除,然后降低所有大于已删除元素的右侧ID的所有左侧/右侧ID的两倍。 if(leftId> Deleted.leftId)leftId- = 2与rightId相同 插入节点为其留出一些空间,向所有节点添加+2,其中leftId> parent.rightId然后parent.rightId + = 2,然后插入leftId = parent.rightId-2和rightId = parent.rightId-1的节点     
