Rails 3.1中的HTTP流是否可以与Thin一起使用?

| Rails 3.1支持HTTP流,但仅适用于兼容的Web服务器。宣布3.1版候选版本的博客文章提到了Unicorn: http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2011/5/22/rails-3-1-release-candidate API文档还提到了Unicorn,并为乘客提供了一个存根: https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/actionpack/lib/action_controller/metal/streaming.rb 有谁知道是否支持Thin,如果可以,我在哪里可以找到配置信息?     
    == 0.5.4 Flying Mustard release
     * Don\'t read the full body, use direct streaming when sending response.
       See: Response#each
       As a result, the Content-Length can not be calculated anymore.
       You have to do set this in your adapter. All frameworks do it anyway.
       It improve memory usage and boost speed for low concurrency.
       Thanks to Kent Sibilev and Ezra for their help on that one.
但是,当我运行两个精简实例(在不同的端口上,一组作为资产宿主)时,在控制器动作中的“ 1”调用完成执行之前,未加载布局中的CSS和JS。这是在生产模式下完成的。 我不确定它的机制,可能需要设置Thin机架适配器以允许流传输。     
