
| 我试图在我的Ruby on Rails应用程序中实现Facebook多好友选择器。 FB登录已经完成。我试图将此代码粘贴到我的视图中,但似乎没有用。
        <script type=\"text/fbml\">
                    type=\'an invitation to do this.\'
                    content=\'I invite you to do this.  
                        <fb:req-choice url=\"http://apps.facebook.com/smiley/yes.php\" label=\"Yes\" />
                        <fb:req-choice url=\"http://apps.facebook.com/smiley/no.php\" label=\"No\" />\'
                    <fb:multi-friend-selector actiontext=\"I invite you to do this.\">
我可以看到Facebook中的“正在加载”指示器,但它似乎永远存在。 我在这里想念什么吗?请帮助!     
 <div id=\"facebook_invites\" class=\"conclusion\" style=\"width: 750px; text-align: center\">
    If you like <%= link_to \"BillBaba.com\", \"/\", :target => \"_BLANK\" %>, then please help us by spreading the word.<br/>
  <a id=\"wall_post\" href=\"#\" style=\"font-size: 2em;\">Post on your Wall</a><br/>
  <a id=\"invite_friends\" href=\"#\" style=\"font-size: 1.5em;\">Invite your Friends</a>
    <div id=\"fb-root\"></div>
  <script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js\"></script>
    <script type=\"text/javascript\">
      $(\'#wall_post\').click(function() {
          appId:\'<%= @app_id %>\', cookie:true,
          status:true, xfbml:true

        FB.ui({ method: \'feed\',
          link: \'http://www.billbaba.com\',
          picture: \'http://www.billbaba.com/images/logo.gif\',
          description: \'There is so much more to life, other than bill payments. Try BillBaba.com and never miss another bill payment.\',
          name: \'BillBaba.com\'});

      $(\'#invite_friends\').click(function() {
          appId:\'<%= @app_id %>\', cookie:true,
          status:true, xfbml:true

        FB.ui({ method: \'apprequests\',
          message: \'There is so much more to life, other than bill payments. Try BillBaba.com and never miss another bill payment.\'});
