
根据Cairngorm架构,我们总是在每个服务的每个命令类中都有一个错误处理程序。 我们如何创建一个类来处理所有服务的Fault处理程序事件。     
通过“总是有一个故障处理程序”,你是指合同,如在实现接口? 您可以编写所有其他命令类扩展的基本命令类。基类可以实现on fault handler,所有其他子类都可以选择覆盖它。
public class BaseCommand implements ICommand
    public function execute( event:Event ):void 


    public function onFault( event:Event ):void 


// -- no need to implement onFault in sub-class
public class MyCommand extends BaseCommand
    public function execute( event:Event ):void 

创建一个扩展所有其他类的基类,将错误处理程序放在那里。如: FaultHandlerCairngormCommand扩展SequenceCommand实现IResponder []
public class BaseCommand extends SequenceCommand implements IResponder
    public function execute( event:CairngormEvent ):void 

    public function fault( info:Object ):void 
        throw new Error("Generic request failure"); //or handle as you please
    public function result(data:Object):void
        throw new Error("The result method implementation defined in IResponder for all extensions of BaseCommand must be overrriden in any sub-class");
// -- no need to implement onFault in sub-class
public class MyCommand extends BaseCommand
    public function execute( event:Event ):void 
    override public function result(data:Object):void
        trace("happily handling the data"); //without this override an error will be thrown so the developer will know to correct
