
userid | name  | subof
1      | John  | 0
2      | Joe   | 1
3      | Jill  | 0
4      | Janet | 2
5      | Juan  | 1
6      | George| 2
约翰和吉尔在顶部,乔和胡安在约翰之下,珍妮特和乔治在乔之下。分层用于放弃佣金。我的客户希望能够看到任何给定用户下方有多少用户(至少限制为8层) 现在我已将附加字段`num_below`添加到用户表中,并且只要有人加入或离开用户,该字段就会递增或递减。 这样做的第一个问题是,它感觉它违反了良好的数据库规范化实践〜因为它存储已经存在于数据库中的数据 第二个是,当我的客户来时,它会变得毛茸茸的说:“哦,乔治打算加入胡安,请移动他” 我考虑过每次要求时动态计算下面的数字,但数据库查询似乎会成倍增长。 我写了一个
function rectifySubs(){
    $r=mysql_query("SELECT uid,subof FROM user");
    if(!$r || mysql_num_rows($r)==0){return 'Invalid';}

    foreach($Uids as $uid){
        while($parent>0 && $r<=$RungsUp){
    foreach($NumBelow as $uid=>$num){
    mysql_query("UPDATE user SET below=0");
    foreach($QueryByNum as $num=>$uids){
        foreach($uids as $uid){
            $or=" OR ";
        mysql_query("UPDATE user SET below=".$num." WHERE ".$where);
有什么建议?我不想在数据库中放置太多的冗余数据,但每次都会出现8层,这似乎太过于处理器。 - 编辑 - 我不清楚这些层是如何工作的,所以我把桌子做得更大了。我正在编辑的关键问题是,任何人都可以在其下方的层中拥有多个人。希望有道理。 - 解决方案 - (实施Kakao解决方案作为'会员'班级的方法)
protected function getNumBelowAtLevel($i=1,$force=false){
    if($i<=1){return 0;}//Level 1 is just the member themselves
    if($force || !isset($this->numBelow[$i])){
            $Sels.=$comma.$nl.'m'.$k.'.mid as u'.$k;
            $Lefts.=$nl.'left join members as m'.$k.' on m'.$k.'.subof = m'.$j.'.mid';

            $comma=', ';
        $sql="select count(*) - 1 as users_below
from (
    select distinct {$Us}
        from (
            from members as m0
            where m0.mid = {$this->id}
                group by {$Groups} with rollup
            ) d
    ) a";
    return $this->numBelow[$i];
select (case 
   when m1.userid is null then 0
   when m2.userid is null then 1
   when m3.userid is null then 2
   when m4.userid is null then 3
   when m5.userid is null then 4
   when m6.userid is null then 5
   when m7.userid is null then 6
   when m8.userid is null then 7
   else 8 end
   ) as users_below

from members as m0
left join members as m1 on m1.subof = m0.userid
left join members as m2 on m2.subof = m1.userid
left join members as m3 on m3.subof = m2.userid
left join members as m4 on m4.subof = m3.userid
left join members as m5 on m5.subof = m4.userid
left join members as m6 on m6.subof = m5.userid
left join members as m7 on m7.subof = m6.userid
left join members as m8 on m8.subof = m7.userid

where m0.userid = 1
更新 版本以下的多个成员:
select count(*) - 1 as users_below
from (
   select distinct u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7
   from (
         m1.userid as u1, 
         m2.userid as u2, 
         m3.userid as u3,
         m4.userid as u4,
         m5.userid as u5,
         m6.userid as u6,
         m7.userid as u7

      from members as m0
      left join members as m1 on m1.subof = m0.userid
      left join members as m2 on m2.subof = m1.userid
      left join members as m3 on m3.subof = m2.userid
      left join members as m4 on m4.subof = m3.userid
      left join members as m5 on m5.subof = m4.userid
      left join members as m6 on m6.subof = m5.userid
      left join members as m7 on m7.subof = m6.userid

      where m0.userid = 1
      group by u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, u6, u7 with rollup
   ) d
) a
就个人而言,我认为您预先计算数据的解决方案很好。 我要改变的一件事是使“矫正”功能更加智能(可选)不必重建整个数据集。如果一个人被转移到另一个分支,那么唯一需要重新计算的就是这个人的新旧超级。 例如,如果乔从鲍勃移动到爱丽丝,那么鲍勃和他的所有超级迷失了乔的“num_below”,然后爱丽丝和她的所有超级选手都获得了乔的“num_below”。请注意,用于调整超级的“num_below”实际上是
num_below + 1
,因为Joe本人不算作他自己的一部分。 编辑: 或者,看看: http://articles.sitepoint.com/article/hierarchical-data-database/2 这是一个不同的数据结构,更容易进行这种特殊的计算(子项数)和其他数据结构,但确实有自己的数字组(左/右)来维护。     
userid | name  | subof
1      | John  | 0
2      | Joe   | 1
3      | Jill  | 0
4      | Janet | 2
5      | Dawn  | 4
6      | James | 4
7      | Mary  | 3
8      | Doug  | 6
所以说你的老板要求乔下的人。 你想得到:珍妮特,黎明,詹姆斯,道格 - 对吗? 如何更改subof的定义(在我的示例中,我已将其设为varchar),而不是添加新列? 所以你的桌子会这样:
userid  name    subof   
1           John    0
2           Joe     0.1
3           Jill    0
4           Janet   0.1.2
5           Dawn
6           James
7           Mary    0.3
8           Doug
金字塔的顶部是0,所以约翰和吉尔仍然在顶部。然后你知道0下面的序列是谁。 将john和jill更改为0而不是0.0以使更新更容易 这样做可以在以下查询中获得所需的结果:
    select * from temporary WHERE subof like '0.1.2%' ORDER BY userid ASC;
//this is joe's subof +'.'+ his userid
所以你的下一个问题是如何插入一个新的新兵。好。比尔来自道格。那么比尔的插入是什么? //首先获取subof和userid
SELECT subof, userid 
FROM tablename 
WHERE name = 'doug'; #answer
$subof, $userid = mysql_fetch; //pseudo code
INSERT into tablename (userid, name, subof) VALUES ('9', 'Bill', '$subof.userid');
9   Bill
但是等等......还有更多! 用詹姆斯和道格取代了乔治和胡安的新桌子,专注于修改过的问题: =====乔治和胡安的新例子
userid | name  | subof
1      | John  | 0
2      | Joe   | 0.1
3      | Jill  | 0
4      | Janet | 0.1.2
5      | Juan  | 0.1
6      | George| 0.1.2
  约翰和吉尔位居榜首,乔和   胡安在约翰,珍妮特和   乔治在乔面前。分层是   用于放弃佣金。 题   我的   客户希望能够看到如何   许多用户低于任何给定用户,   (至少它限制在8层   出) 回答
    SELECT count(*) 
    FROM tablename 
    WHERE subof LIKE 'subof_of_any_given_user+that_users_userid%';
//get those under Joe by using '0.1.2' (Joe's subof + his userid)
题   它变得多毛了   我的客户来了,说:“哦,乔治   我想加入胡安,请搬家   他” 回答 SELECT userid,name,subof FROM tablename 在哪里的名字('胡安','乔治');
//$juan_userid = 5
//$juan_subof = 0.1
//$updatevalue = $juan_subof.'.'.$juan_userid; //0.1.5

//$george_userid = 6
//$george_subof = 0.1.2
/$subofmatch = $george_subof.'.'.$george_userid; //
UPDATE tablename 
SET subof = (REPLACE(subof, '$george_subof', '$updatevalue')) 
WHERE (subof like '$subofmatch%' OR userid = '$george_userid')

 // here it is with number values to make it easier to understand //  
    UPDATE tablename 
    SET subof = (REPLACE(subof, '0.1.2', '0.1.5')) 
    WHERE (subof like '' OR userid = '6');
userid  name    subof   
1           John    0
2           Joe     0.1
3           Jill    0
4           Janet   0.1.2
5           Juan    0.1
6           George  0.1.5
请享用! 黎明     
以下解决方案使用非递归存储过程: 示例用法:
call employees_hier(1);

| num_below |
|         7 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
希望你觉得它有用 - 下面的完整脚本:) 完整脚本:
drop table if exists employees;
create table employees
emp_id smallint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
name varchar(255) not null,
boss_id smallint unsigned null,
key (boss_id)
engine = innodb;

insert into employees (name, boss_id) values
  ('ali later',1), 
  ('megan fox',1), 
      ('jessica alba',3), 
      ('eva longoria',3), 
         ('keira knightley',5), 
            ('liv tyler',6), 
            ('sophie marceau',7);

drop procedure if exists employees_hier;

delimiter #

create procedure employees_hier
in p_emp_id smallint unsigned

declare v_done tinyint unsigned default(0);
declare v_dpth smallint unsigned default(0);

create temporary table hier(
 boss_id smallint unsigned, 
 emp_id smallint unsigned, 
 depth smallint unsigned
)engine = memory;

insert into hier select boss_id, emp_id, v_dpth from employees where emp_id = p_emp_id;

/* http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/temporary-table-problems.html */

create temporary table emps engine=memory select * from hier;

while not v_done do

    if exists( select 1 from employees e inner join hier on e.boss_id = hier.emp_id and hier.depth = v_dpth) then

        insert into hier select e.boss_id, e.emp_id, v_dpth + 1 
            from employees e inner join emps on e.boss_id = emps.emp_id and emps.depth = v_dpth;

        set v_dpth = v_dpth + 1;            

        truncate table emps;
        insert into emps select * from hier where depth = v_dpth;

        set v_done = 1;
    end if;

end while;

select count(*) as num_below from hier where depth > 0;

-- use this if you want to return the employees instead

 e.name as emp_name,
 p.emp_id as boss_emp_id,
 p.name as boss_name,
inner join employees e on hier.emp_id = e.emp_id
left outer join employees p on hier.boss_id = p.emp_id;

drop temporary table if exists hier;
drop temporary table if exists emps;

end #

delimiter ;

-- call this sproc from your php

call employees_hier(1);
call employees_hier(2);
call employees_hier(3);
call employees_hier(5);
call employees_hier(6);
call employees_hier(7);
