从Windows Service运行SSIS包时出现问题

|| 我创建了一个Windows服务,该服务每五分钟执行一次SSIS包。它工作得很好,但是有些东西使它崩溃了。 每周重新启动服务器,重新启动后,服务将停止运行。 SSIS程序包开始/结束执行的事件仍会出现在事件查看器中,但该程序包无法正常工作。当我手动启动/停止服务时,所有功能再次恢复正常。 我是否错过了我应该对“ 0”做的事情? 我使用Web服务来获取SSIS包的位置。我从下面的代码中删除了大部分内容,但保留了足够的内容以维护我的服务结构。 这是我的代码的要旨:
namespace MyService
    partial class MyService : ServiceBase
        private Timer timer;
        private Package pkg;
        bool executing;

        public MyService()

        protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
            executing = false;
            TimerCallback callback = new TimerCallback(Init);
            int period = 1000 * 60; //attempt to initialize every minute.
            timer = new Timer(callback, null, 0, period);

        private void Init(object state)
                //Get `timeIntervalMinutes` from Parameters table
                string mySQLStatement = \"...\";
                DataSet ds = mySQLQuery(...);
                int timeIntervalMinutes = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[\"timeIntervalMinutes\"].Rows[0][\"Value\"]);

                //Get `path` from Parameters table
                string mySQLStatement = \"...\";
                DataSet ds = mySQLQuery(...);
                string path = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[\"path\"].Rows[0][\"Value\"]);

                //Get `path` from Parameters table
                string mySQLStatement = \"...\";
                DataSet ds = mySQLQuery(...);
                string server = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[\"server\"].Rows[0][\"Value\"]);

                //Load the SSIS Package
                Application app = new Application();
                pkg = app.LoadFromDtsServer(path, server, null);

                //If this line is reached, a connection to MyWS has been made, so switch the timer to run the SSIS package
                TimerCallback callback = new TimerCallback(OnTimedEvent);
                int period = 1000 * 60 * timeIntervalMinutes;
                timer = new Timer(callback, null, 0, period);
            catch (Exception e)

        private void OnTimedEvent(object state)
            if (!executing)
                executing = true;
                DTSExecResult pkgResults = pkg.Execute();
                executing = false;

        protected override void OnStop()


        //<MyWS is here>

