Java Quicksort帮助。

| 我试图在Java中实现快速排序。但是,我遇到了奇怪的行为。我的算法适用于70项或更少的项目,但以上任何因素会使整个Java应用程序冻结。这是对函数调用的限制还是我正在使用的内存量? 我通常不使用quicksort,所以我的实现可能会有点差,但是我认为总体而言逻辑是正确的:
int data[];

public void QuickSort(int start, int end)
            if(start == end || end < start || end > data.length)

            //find the pivot
            int pivotPos = (int)(start + (end - start) / 2);
            int temp;

            //switch the pivot to the end
            temp = data[pivotPos];
            data[pivotPos] = data[end];
            data[end] = temp;

            int LowerPoint = start;
            int HigherPoint = end - 1;

            //loop through and move low values down
            //and high values up
            while(LowerPoint != HigherPoint)
                while(data[LowerPoint] < data[end] && LowerPoint < HigherPoint)

                while(data[HigherPoint] > data[end]  && LowerPoint < HigherPoint)

                if(LowerPoint != HigherPoint)
                    temp = data[HigherPoint];
                    data[HigherPoint] = data[LowerPoint];
                    data[LowerPoint] = temp;

            //one last check to make sure we don\'t swap the pivot with a lower value
            //if this value is lower than increment our pointers up so we guarentee
            //the swap with a higher value
            if(data[LowerPoint] < data[end])

            //place the pivot back to the middle of the list
            //by swapping it with the higher point
            temp = data[HigherPoint];
            data[HigherPoint] = data[end];
            data[end] = temp;

            this.QuickSort(0, LowerPoint - 1);
            this.QuickSort(HigherPoint + 1, end);

    this.QuickSort(0, LowerPoint - 1);
    this.QuickSort(HigherPoint + 1, end);
public static void quickSort(int[] data, int first, int n)
    int p, n1, n2;
    if(n > 1)
        p = partition(data, first, n);
        n1 = p - first;
        n2 = n - n1 - 1;
        quickSort(data, first, n1);
        quickSort(data, p+1, n2);

public static void quickSort(int[] data)
    quickSort(data, 0, data.length);

private static int partition(int[] A, int first, int n )
    int right = first + n - 1;
    int ls = first;
    int pivot = A[first];
    for(int i = first+1; i <= right; i++)
        if(A[i] <= pivot)
        // Move items smaller than pivot only, to location that would be at left of pivot
            swap(A, i, ls);
    swap(A, first, ls);
    return ls;

private static void swap(int[] data, int pos1, int pos2)
    int temp = data[pos1];
    data[pos1] = data[pos2];
    data[pos2] = temp;
