
| 考虑到我知道路径名和行号,我试图提取文件的一行,理想情况下,我希望这样做是在不读取多余文件的情况下进行的。 出于我在这里使用的目的,这是异步还是同步都没有关系。 我当前的(不良)实现如下所示:
function get_line(filename, line_no, callback) {
    line_no = parseInt(line_no);
    var data = fs.readFileSync(filename, \'utf8\');
    var lines = data.split(\"\\n\");
    for (var l in lines) {
        if (l == line_no - 1) {
            callback(null, lines[l].trim());
    throw new Error(\'File end reached without finding line\');
var fs = require(\'fs\');

function get_line(filename, line_no, callback) {
    var stream = fs.createReadStream(filename, {
      flags: \'r\',
      encoding: \'utf-8\',
      fd: null,
      mode: 0666,
      bufferSize: 64 * 1024

    var fileData = \'\';
    stream.on(\'data\', function(data){
      fileData += data;

      // The next lines should be improved
      var lines = fileData.split(\"\\n\");

      if(lines.length >= +line_no){
        callback(null, lines[+line_no]);

    stream.on(\'error\', function(){
      callback(\'Error\', null);

    stream.on(\'end\', function(){
      callback(\'File end reached without finding line\', null);


get_line(\'./file.txt\', 1, function(err, line){
  console.log(\'The line: \' + line);
直接解决方案: 您应该使用slice方法而不是循环。
var fs = require(\'fs\');

function get_line(filename, line_no, callback) {
    var data = fs.readFileSync(filename, \'utf8\');
    var lines = data.split(\"\\n\");

    if(+line_no > lines.length){
      throw new Error(\'File end reached without finding line\');

    callback(null, lines[+line_no]);

get_line(\'./file.txt\', 9, function(err, line){
  console.log(\'The line: \' + line);
for(var l in lines)不是遍历数组的最有效方法,您应该这样做:
for(var i = 0, iMax = lines.length; i < iMax; i++){/* lines[i] */ }
var fs = require(\'fs\');

function get_line(filename, line_no, callback) {
    fs.readFile(filename, function (err, data) {
      if (err) throw err;

      // Data is a buffer that we need to convert to a string
      // Improvement: loop over the buffer and stop when the line is reached
      var lines = data.toString(\'utf-8\').split(\"\\n\");

      if(+line_no > lines.length){
        return callback(\'File end reached without finding line\', null);

      callback(null, lines[+line_no]);

get_line(\'./file.txt\', 9, function(err, line){
  console.log(\'The line: \' + line);
           而不读取多余的文件 编辑:该模块是未维护的,我建议使用其他模块逐行读取,例如,使用转换流:http://strongloop.com/strongblog/practical-examples-of-the-new-node-js- streams-api / 使用BufferedReader:
var n = 10;
var l = null;

//Internally it uses a buffer, default 16KB, but you can reduce it to, for example, 4KB doing:
//new BufferedReader (\"file\", { encoding: \"utf8\", bufferSize: 4*1024 })

new BufferedReader (\"file\", { encoding: \"utf8\" })
    .on (\"error\", function (error){
        console.log (error);
    .on (\"line\", function (line){
        if (!--n){
            l = line;
            //With interrupt you can stop the reading
            this.interrupt ();
    .on (\"end\", function (){
        //your Nth line!
        console.log (l);
    .read ();
        通过删除\“ fileData \”变量中的先前数据,可以大大提高FGRibreau答案的性能。
function(file, line_no, cb){
var stream = fs.createReadStream(file, {
    flags: \'r\',
    encoding: \'utf-8\',
    fd: null,
    mode: \'0666\',
    bufferSize: 64 * 1024

var fileData = \'\';
stream.on(\'data\', function(data){
    fileData += data;

    var lines = fileData.split(\'\\n\');

    if(lines.length >= +line_no){
        cb(null, lines[+line_no]);
    // Add this else condition to remove all unnecesary data from the variable
        fileData = Array(lines.length).join(\'\\n\');


stream.on(\'error\', function(){
    cb(\'Error\', null);

stream.on(\'end\', function(){
    cb(\'File end reached without finding line\', null);
使用70000行文件显示n°50000行,我得到了以下结果: 真正的0m3.504s 用户0m0.000s sys 0m0.015s 对于与else相同的示例,我得到以下信息: 真正的0m0.540s 用户0m0.015s sys 0m0.031s 这也意味着更低的内存消耗。     
