Json请求后,SubSonic 2.2 RecordBase.cs中的NullReferenceException。为什么?

| 我有一个使用WCF服务的MVC项目。该服务返回一个位置集合,这些位置用于过滤文本框中的自动完成功能。 最初,我使用自己的\“ Person \”对象尝试了此操作,以确保整个过程正常进行。 jQuery呼叫:
    $(function () {

            source: function (request, response) {
                    url: \"/home/FindLocations\", type: \"POST\", dataType: \"json\",
                    data: { searchText: request.term, maxResults: 10 },
                    success: function (data) {
                        response($.map(data, function (item) {
                            return { label: item.FullName, value: item.FullName, id: item.PersonId }
                            // return { label: item.GeoDisplay, value: item.GeoDisplay, id: item.GeoID }
            select: function (event, ui) {
                alert(ui.item ? (\"You picked \'\" + ui.item.label + \"\' with an ID of \" + ui.item.id)
                    : \"Nothing selected, input was \" + this.value);

    public JsonResult FindNames(string searchText, int maxResults)
        PersonRepository repository = new PersonRepository();
        var result = repository.FindPeople(searchText, maxResults);
        return Json(result);

public class PersonRepository

    internal List<Person> FindPeople(string searchText, int maxResults)

        List<Person> names = new List<Person>();


        var result = from n in names
                     where n.FullName.Contains(searchText)
                     orderby n.FullName
                     select n;

        return result.Take(maxResults).ToList(); 

    private static void BuildNameList(List<Person> names)
        names.Add(new Person { PersonId = 1, FullName = \"Kristina H. Chung\" });
        names.Add(new Person { PersonId = 2, FullName = \"Paige H. Chen\" });
        names.Add(new Person { PersonId = 3, FullName = \"Sherri E. Melton\" });
效果很好...所以我将我的Json调用从/ home / FindNames替换为/ home / FindLocations并取消注释了以下行(在jQuery调用中注释了item.FullName行):
return { label: item.GeoDisplay, value: item.GeoDisplay, id: item.GeoID }
    public JsonResult FindLocations(string searchText, int maxResults)
        GeoLocationRepository repository = new GeoLocationRepository();
        var result = repository.FindGeo(searchText, maxResults);

        return Json(result);    // returned a list collection of geo locations
    internal List<FeederService.GeoLocation> FindGeo(string searchText, int maxResults)
        // get geolocations from the cache

        var result = from l in HttpRuntime.Cache[\"WebsiteGeoLocations\"] as FeederService.GeoLocationCollection
                     where l.GeoDisplay.Contains(searchText)
                     orderby l.GeoDisplay
                     select l;

        return result.Take(maxResults).ToList();
return Json(result);    // returned a list collection of geo locations
    /// <summary>
    /// Name of the table in the database that contains persisted data for this type
    /// </summary>
    /// <value>The name of the table.</value>
    public string TableName
        get { return BaseSchema.TableName; }  // <--- error occurs here
这是由于某些实体引用问题而发生的,因为我正在引用FeederService.GeoLocation对象,如何使它工作? 实体全部在DAL项目中,从我的FeederService引用并公开: GeoLocationCollection [CollectionDataContract]
public partial class GeoLocationCollection : ActiveList<GeoLocation, GeoLocationCollection>
    public GeoLocationCollection() {}
并且我已将[DataContract]添加到GeoLocation。 我还在我的jquery代码中放置了“ debugger; \”(将其移入函数中),但是我无法调试返回的数据。我该怎么做? 最后,仅当集合中存在匹配项时,才会出现此问题。     
        我设法解决了这个问题,尽管不如我希望的那么优雅,而且我仍然想知道为什么我在引用通过我的服务公开的类时遇到了问题。 对于该解决方案,我创建了一个WebsiteGeoLocation模型类,该模型类具有FeederService.GeoLocation类的某些属性。 然后,我遍历集合,并将值复制到新的本地对象中。效果很好。我将把复制功能移到缓存方法中,因此返回的对象始终是本地类型。
    List<WebsiteGeoLocation> geoList = null;

    internal List<WebsiteGeoLocation> FindGeo(string searchText, int maxResults)
        // get geolocations from the cache

        var result = from l in HttpRuntime.Cache[\"WebsiteGeoLocations\"] as FeederService.GeoLocationCollection
                     where l.GeoDisplay.Contains(searchText)
                     orderby l.GeoDisplay
                     select l;

        geoList = new List<WebsiteGeoLocation>();

        foreach (FeederService.GeoLocation location in result)
            geoList.Add(new WebsiteGeoLocation
                GeoID = location.GeoID,
                GeoDisplay = location.GeoDisplay,
                GeoCity = location.GeoCity,
                GeoState = location.GeoState,
                WebsiteID = location.WebsiteID,
                WorldCitiesID = location.WorldCitiesID

        return geoList.Take(maxResults).ToList();
