从asp.net gridview打印长文本

| 我在页面上有一个asp.net gridview。由于其中一列很长,因此我剪切了文本并将其显示在工具提示中。 打印时,请确保显示所有文本。 问题在于该列被打印为长列,这是大量的纸张浪费。 我怎样才能很好地打印? 纳法他利     
        我使用不同的控件来显示较短的文本字符串,而不是较长的文本字符串。 可以在您的情况下使用此技术,当然也可以对其进行扩展。
      <asp:Label ID=\"lblInspectionNotes\" runat=\"server\" Text=\'<%# Eval(\"IH_Notes\") %>\' Visible=\'<%#  evalLength(Eval(\"IH_Notes\")) %>\' ></asp:Label>
      <asp:TextBox ID=\"txtInspectionNotes\" runat=\"server\" Text=\'<%# Eval(\"IH_Notes\") %>\' Visible=\'<%#  evalLength2(Eval(\"IH_Notes\")) %>\' Rows=\"3\" TextMode=\"MultiLine\" ReadOnly=\"true\"></asp:TextBox>

the function evalLength returns true if the length of the text is less than or equal to 20 characters otherwise it returns false.
the function evalLength2 returns true if the length of the text is greater than 20 characters otherwise it returns false.

this results in only one of the controls being displayed.
A single line label is displayed if the text is 20 characters or less.
A multiline textbox is displayed if the text is more than 20 characters

Then your printing will display differently as well.
I do not know how you are printing your gridview, but this technique may help you.
希望这可以帮助 哈维·萨瑟(Harvey Sather)     
