
| 我想知道是否可以创建HTMLDivElement的子类。像这样。
MyDivElement.prototype.pickColor = function()
    return this.picked;
function MyDivElement()
    this = new HTMLDivElement();
    this.picked = \'unknowd\';
alert(this.picked); // print: \'unkowd\'
(类似)可能吗? 如果没有,实现此目标的最佳方法是什么?     
\"Illegal constructor\"
-因此无法执行。 更新:我已经在其他当前的浏览器中进行了测试,它们会引发各种类型的错误-但它们都会引发错误。 实际上,这将起作用:
function MyDivElement() {
    this.picked = \'unknowd\';

MyDivElement.prototype = document.createElement(\'div\');

var mydiv = new MyDivElement();
在暴露了“ 4”且易变的浏览器中,可以子类化DOM元素。看起来像这样:
function CustomEl () {
    var el = document.createElement(\'div\')
    el.__proto__ = CustomEl.prototype
    return el
CustomEl.prototype.__proto__ = HTMLDivElement.prototype
在某些浏览器中,您可以扩展原型,在其他浏览器中,则可以。我会让你猜猜那些你做不到的。 :-)这与扩展DOM元素并不完全相同,但是它确实允许您执行某些可能需要该功能的事情的子集。事实是,DOM元素并不是真正的JavaScript实体;它们仅仅是运行时系统提供的模拟。 (也许总有一天,所有的jsdom工作实际上都会实现。) 好吧,我将向您介绍有问题的浏览器:IE根本不喜欢这种浏览器。但是其他人也这样做。如果您曾经看过Prototype库,那么当您忘记对DOM元素原型进行原型化时,就会无聊地看到这个事实的令人讨厌的,仅刺激IE的错误。 (IE9可能有所不同,但我对此表示怀疑。) 这种事情很容易在jsfiddle上进行测试。     
我正在尝试这一点。一个很大的困难是您需要文档的上下文来创建元素。您可以将ѭ7作为默认设置,但这很无聊。 这是我正在研究的POC:
function CustomNode(type, parent) { 
    if (type instanceof Node) {
        // Decorate a preexisting node appropriately if called that way.
        if (arguments.length === 2 && type.ownerDocument !== parent) {
            // Import the node if it\'s not owned by the requested document.
            type = parent.importNode(type, true);
        return Object.assign(type, this.__proto__);
    //Normal flow, e.g., new CustomNode(\"div\");
    var d = document;
    if (parent) {
        // Alt document flow, e.g., new CustomNode(\"div\", xmlDoc);
        if (parent.nodeType === 9) {
            d = parent;
        } else {
            // Support for new CustomNode(\"div\", parentElement);
            //  This doesn\'t append the element, just makes sure 
            //  the documents match
            d = parent.ownerDocument;
    var inst;
    // Creation flags
    if (type[0] === \'#\') { //text
        inst = d.createTextNode(type.substr(1));
    } else if (type[0] === \'?\') { //Processing instruction
        type = type.substr(1).split(\' \');
        inst = d.createProcessingInstruction(type.shift(), type.join(\' \'));
    } else if (type[0] === \'[\') { // CDATA
        inst = d.createCDATASection(type.substr(1));
    } else if (type[0] === \'/\') { // Comment
        inst = d.createComment(type.substr(1));
    } else { //Everything else gets an element.
        inst = d.createElement(type);
    // DE-COR-ATE
    Object.assign(inst, this.__proto__);
    return inst;
// Decorator for customized NodeLists; probably inefficient.  Decorates
//   contents with CustomNode
function CustomNodeList(list) {
    var Self = this.constructor,
        CNode = this.Node;
    return Object.assign([].map.call(list, function (node) {
        return new CNode(node);
    }), this.__proto__);
CustomNodeList.prototype = {
    // so we know how to wrap...
    Node: CustomNode,
    text: function () {
        return this[0].textContent;

CustomNode.prototype = {
    // So we know how to decorate NodeLists
    NodeList: CustomNodeList,
    // So we know how to decorate Nodes
    Node: CustomNode,
    // Easy make-and-attach
    new: function (type, attach) {
        var CNode = this.Node;
        var ret = new CNode(type, this.ownerDocument);
        if (attach) {
        return ret;
    // NodeLists with ES5 iterators!
    find: function () {
        var CNodeList = this.NodeList;
        return new CNodeList(this.querySelectorAll.apply(this, arguments));
    kids: function () {
        var CNodeList = this.NodeList;
        return new CNodeList(this.childNodes);
