有没有想过删除system.keychain in command或AppleScript中的项目?

目前我正在开发一个小型应用程序,我想删除机场设置。 首先,我使用shell命令networksetup删除首选网络,然后通过AppleScript删除keychain中的录制密码。但我发现机场的密码记录在system.keychain和login.keychain中。我写AppleScript如:
tell application "Keychain Scripting"
set keychainName to "Login.keychain" -- "system.keychain"
set gkeyCount to count generic key of keychain keychainName

repeat with keyIndex from 1 to gkeyCount
    log keyIndex
    if (account of generic key keyIndex of keychain keychainName is "ABCD") then
        delete generic key keyIndex of keychain keychainName
        log "find the key"
    end if
end repeat
结束告诉 对于keychain“login.keychain”,它没有问题,但是对于keychain“System.keychain”,它失败了,弹出窗口显示“Keychain Scripting出错:文件未打开,具有写入权限。” 任何的想法?     
编辑:这不起作用。好吧,无论如何,这只是一个猜测。我正在为后代留下答案。 我的猜测是问题是系统钥匙串被锁定了。我无法真正测试这个,因为我不想从我的钥匙串中删除东西,但我确认我的系统钥匙串默认被锁定,这似乎会导致你看到的错误。因此,我会做这样的事情:
tell application "Keychain Scripting"
    set keychainName to "Login.keychain" -- "system.keychain"
    set doRelock to false
    set kc to keychain keychainName
    if locked of kc then
        unlock kc
        set doRelock to true
    end if
        set gkeyCount to count generic key of kc

        repeat with keyIndex from 1 to gkeyCount
            log keyIndex
            if (account of generic key keyIndex of kc is "ABCD") then
                delete generic key keyIndex of keychain keychainName
                log "find the key"
            end if
        end repeat
        if doRelock then
            lock kc
            set doRelock to false
        end if
    on error
        if doRelock then lock kc
    end try
end tell
我们的想法是,如果您需要,首先解锁钥匙串,然后确保在完成后重新锁定钥匙链。让我知道如果这样做或不起作用 - 就像我说的那样,我没有想要测试它。     
BOOL deleteItemOfSystemKeychain(NSArray *accountList)
OSStatus retVal;
SecKeychainRef systemKeychainRef;
SecKeychainItemRef kcItem;
AuthorizationRef authRef;
AuthorizationItem right = { "system.keychain.modify", 0, NULL, 0 };
AuthorizationRights rightSet = { 1, &right };

/* Create authorization to access the system.keychain */
retVal = AuthorizationCreate(&rightSet, kAuthorizationEmptyEnvironment, kAuthorizationFlagExtendRights | kAuthorizationFlagInteractionAllowed, &authRef);

if (retVal != errSecSuccess) {
    NSLog(@"Failed to get right to modify system keychain %@", SecCopyErrorMessageString(retVal, NULL));
    return FALSE;

retVal = SecKeychainOpen("/Library/Keychains/System.keychain", &systemKeychainRef);
if (retVal != errSecSuccess) {
    NSLog(@"Failed to open System keychain %@", SecCopyErrorMessageString(retVal, NULL));
    return FALSE;

retVal = SecKeychainUnlock(systemKeychainRef, 0, NULL, FALSE);
    if (retVal != errSecSuccess) {
    NSLog(@"Failed to unlock System keychain %@", SecCopyErrorMessageString(retVal, NULL));
    return FALSE;

//  retVal = SecKeychainSetSearchList(CFArrayRef searchList);

/* Search the item we wanna to delete */
CFArrayRef arrayRef;

SecKeychainSearchRef searchRef;

while (errSecItemNotFound != SecKeychainSearchCopyNext(searchRef, &kcItem))
    static int iCount = 1;
    SecKeychainAttributeInfo *info;
    SecKeychainAttributeList *attributes;
    SecKeychainItemCopyAttributesAndData(kcItem, info, NULL, &attributes, 0, NULL);

    for (int i = 0; i < attributes->count; i ++)
        SecKeychainAttribute attr = attributes->attr[i];

        char attr_tag[5] = {0};
        attr_tag[0] = ((char *)&attr.tag)[3];
        attr_tag[1] = ((char *)&attr.tag)[2];
        attr_tag[2] = ((char *)&attr.tag)[1];
        attr_tag[3] = ((char *)&attr.tag)[0];

        NSString *attrTag = [NSString stringWithCString:attr_tag encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
        NSString *attrValue = [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:[NSData dataWithBytes:attr.data
                                                     encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];

        if ([attrTag isEqualToString:@"acct"])
            NSLog(@"Check Item %d:%@:%@", iCount++, attrTag, attrValue);
            for (NSString *str in accountList)  
                if ([attrValue isEqualToString:str])
                    NSLog(@"delete %@...", str);
                    retVal = SecKeychainItemDelete(kcItem);
                    if (retVal != errSecSuccess)
                        NSLog(@"delete %@ failed...", str);

return TRUE;
} 注意:以root / admin身份运行此命令。 :)     
您需要使用写入权限打开文件:请参阅AppleScript中的books_google_com:Mac OS X上的脚本和自动化综合指南     
