

SPPagedListItemsRetriever pagedItemsRetriever = new SPPagedListItemsRetriever(list, query);

    /// <summary>

    /// Retrieves paginated items of SPList with the specified SPQuery.

    /// </summary>

    public class SPPagedListItemsRetriever


        private SPQuery _query;

        private SPList _list;

        private const int MaxRowLimit = 2000;

        private static SPListItemCollectionPosition _emptySPListItemCollectionPosition = new SPListItemCollectionPosition(string.Empty);


        /// <summary>

        /// Constructs a new instance of SPPagedListItemsRetriever

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="list">The list to get the items from</param>

        /// <param name="query">The query by which the items should be retrieved</param>

        public SPPagedListItemsRetriever(SPList list, SPQuery query)


            _list = list;

            _query = query;


        /// <summary>

        /// Get the items of the list with the specified query begining from a specified startIndex and with maxRowsCount (PageSize)

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="startIndex"></param>

        /// <param name="maxRowsCount"></param>

        /// <returns></returns>

        public SPListItem[] GetItems(int? startIndex, int? maxRowsCount)


            SPListItemCollectionPosition listItemCollectionPosition = null;

            uint actualStartIndex = startIndex.HasValue ? (uint)startIndex.Value : 0;


            //If we need items beginning from a specific index (greater that 0, the first one)

            //Create a dummy query to begin getting the items from the first one (0) till we reach the specified startIndex

            if (actualStartIndex > 0)


                SPQuery dummyQuery = new SPQuery();

                //Change the ViewFields returned from this dummy query to minimal, actually we dont need these items so selelct the ID only to minimize the view fields

                dummyQuery.ViewFields = "<FieldRef Name='ID' />";

                dummyQuery.Query = _query.Query;

                if (null != _query.Folder)

                    dummyQuery.Folder = _query.Folder;

                int gotDummyItems = 0;



                    //Minimize the number of items not to exceed the recommended 2000 MaxRowLimit for SPQuery

                    dummyQuery.RowLimit = Math.Min((uint)(actualStartIndex - gotDummyItems), MaxRowLimit);

                    if (null == listItemCollectionPosition)

                        listItemCollectionPosition = _emptySPListItemCollectionPosition;

                    dummyQuery.ListItemCollectionPosition = listItemCollectionPosition;

                    SPListItemCollection items = _list.GetItems(dummyQuery);

                    gotDummyItems += items.Count;

                    listItemCollectionPosition = items.ListItemCollectionPosition;


                while (gotDummyItems < actualStartIndex && listItemCollectionPosition != null);



            //Now we will get the actual items we need

            SPQuery query = new SPQuery();

            query.Query = _query.Query;

            if (null != _query.Folder)

                query.Folder = _query.Folder;

            query.ViewFields = _query.ViewFields;

            List<SPListItem> returnedItemsList = new List<SPListItem>();

            uint actualMaxRowCount = maxRowsCount.HasValue ? (uint)maxRowsCount.Value : (uint)_list.ItemCount;



                //Minimize the number of items not to exceed the recommended 2000 MaxRowLimit for SPQuery

                query.RowLimit = Math.Min(actualMaxRowCount, MaxRowLimit);

                if (null == listItemCollectionPosition)

                    listItemCollectionPosition = _emptySPListItemCollectionPosition;

                query.ListItemCollectionPosition = listItemCollectionPosition;

                SPListItemCollection listItems = _list.GetItems(query);


                listItemCollectionPosition = listItems.ListItemCollectionPosition;


            while (returnedItemsList.Count < actualMaxRowCount && listItemCollectionPosition != null);

            return returnedItemsList.ToArray();


        /// <summary>

        /// Gets the total items count using the specified query

        /// </summary>

        /// <returns></returns>

        public int GetTotalItemsCount()


            SPQuery query = new SPQuery();

            //Change the ViewFields returned from this dummy query to minimal, actually we dont need these items so selelct the ID only to minimize the view fields

            query.ViewFields = "<FieldRef Name='ID' />";

            query.Query = _query.Query;

            SPFolder folder = _query.Folder;

            if (null != folder)

                query.Folder = folder;

            return _list.GetItems(query).Count;





评论会员:标记Nischalke 时间:2012/02/06
评论会员:游客 时间:2012/02/06