
作为一个侧面说明,连接的演示应用程序使用{A14}。我认为写他们只与Windows Mobile 6 SDK的使用,但Boost库做了这样一个令人难以置信的工作,使代码更具可读性,异常安全的,可用的,我决定使用它们。如果你不使用Boost(你真的应该!),在这篇文章中提出的概念仍然适用。请注意,文章本身只使用彗星03和Windows Mobile SDK。{A15} GetThreadTimes
{A16}为我们提供了一般信息系统中的每个正在运行的线程。特别是,我们有兴趣知道线程已经花了多少时间在内核模式下执行,并在用户模式下执行的线程花费了多少时间。 GetThreadTimes为我们提供了这些值的FILETIME结构。要利用它们,我们将不得不将其转换为毫秒。

///<span class="code-comment"> Convert a FILETIME to ticks (ms)

</span>DWORD GetThreadTick( const FILETIME& time )


    __int64 tick = MAKEDWORDLONG( time.dwLowDateTime, time.dwHighDateTime );

    return static_cast< DWORD >( tick /= 10000 );


FILETIME creation = { 0 },

         exit = { 0 },

         kernel = { 0 },

         user = { 0 };

::GetThreadTimes( ( HANDLE )thread_id,




                  &user )

//<span class="code-comment"> time in ms spent in kernel space

</span>DWORD kernel_tics = GetThreadTick( kernel );

//<span class="code-comment"> time in ms spent in user space

</span>DWORD user_tics = GetThreadTick( user );

现在,我们可以计算出每个线程使用的处理器花费的时间,我们必须找到一种方法,列出每一个线程在一个进程中运行。为此,我们将使用{A4}。{A18} ToolHelp API
{A19}是一套诊断工具,在Windows Mobile核心OS,使我们能够采取堆,模块,线程运行在一个单一的时间点的过程中使用的快照。在这个例子中,我们能够遍历每个线程在系统中运行。 THREADENTRY32结构告诉我们,每个线程的ID和它的父进程ID。{C}
不幸的是,如果你是实际系统上运行此代码,因为它是,你会很快发现,只有2进程的线程显示:您的过程和NK.exe。为了解决这个权限的限制,我们将着眼于{A20} API。{A21}
{A22}是Platform Builder的pkfuncs.h API的一部分,通常只需要访问整个虚拟地址空间的驱动器使用。为了确保我们明智地使用这些惊人的宇宙的权力,我们将定义一个结构,保证我们恢复我们原来的权限时,我们的函数完成即使它抛出一个异常。
///<span class="code-comment"> Temporarily grant phenomenal cosmic powers. This may not be necessary for

</span>///<span class="code-comment"> versions of windows mobile earlier than 6.

</span>struct CosmicPowers




        old_permissions_ = ::SetProcPermissions( 0xFFFFFFFF );




        ::SetProcPermissions( old_permissions_ );



    DWORD old_permissions_;

}; // struct CosmicPowers

我们现在要做的是创建一个线程迭代函数CosmicPowers的实例,我们应该看到,从系统中的每个进程的线程。如果你没有访问Platform Builder中,都好。 MSDN上给你{A23},并告诉您它是由coredll.lib出口(即每个人都有)。
///<span class="code-comment"> Time a thread has spent working

</span>struct thread_times {

    ///<span class="code-comment"> Time a thread has spent in kernel space

</span>    FILETIME kernel;

    ///<span class="code-comment"> Time a thread has spent in user space

</span>    FILETIME user;


///<span class="code-comment"> Time each process has spent working

</span>///<span class="code-comment"> @param DWORD - Thread ID

</span>///<span class="code-comment"> @param thread_times - Thread working times

</span>typedef std::map< DWORD, thread_times > Threads;

///<span class="code-comment"> Time each Process has spent working

</span>///<span class="code-comment"> @param DWORD - Process ID

</span>///<span class="code-comment"> @param Threads - Process' thread working times

</span>typedef std::map< DWORD, Threads > Processes;

///<span class="code-comment"> Gets the list of currently running processes

</span>Processes GetProcessList()


    Processes process_list;

    CosmicPowers we_are_powerful;

    HANDLE snapshot = ::CreateToolhelp32Snapshot( TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, 0 );

    if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != snapshot )


        DWORD process_total = 0;

        THREADENTRY32 te = { 0 };

        te.dwSize = sizeof( THREADENTRY32 );

        if( ::Thread32First( snapshot, &te ) )




                FILETIME creation = { 0 },

                         exit = { 0 },

                         kernel = { 0 },

                         user = { 0 };

                if( ::GetThreadTimes( ( HANDLE )te.th32ThreadID,




                                      &user ) )


                    thread_times t = { kernel, user };

                    process_list[ te.th32OwnerProcessID ][ te.th32ThreadID ] = t;


            } while( ::Thread32Next( snapshot, &te ) );


        ::CloseToolhelp32Snapshot( snapshot );


    return process_list;


///<span class="code-comment"> Associates process IDs to process names

</span>///<span class="code-comment"> @param DWORD - Process identifier

</span>///<span class="code-comment"> @Param std::wstring - process' executable's name

</span>typedef std::map< DWORD, std::wstring > ProcessNames;

Processes procs = GetProcessList();

ProcessNames names = GetProcessNameList();

for( Processes::const_iterator p = procs.begin(); p != procs.end(); ++p )

    NKDbgPrintfW( L"%s\r\n", names[ p->first ].c_str() );

下面的代码看起来大和恐吓,它主要是统计计算。它遵循的算法是相当简单:获取的名称和所有正在运行的进程的PID的初步清单。得到一个在内核和用户时间花了多久,每个PID的初步清单。延迟间隔已过期后,得到另一个列表中的每个PID和它的内核和用户时间。计算过程中的每个内核和用户空间花了多少时间等待间隔。如果任何进程的PID是不是在我们的名称列表,刷新我们的进程的名称列表。这意味着我们有一个新的进程。报告统计信息,用户莫名其妙。 重复步骤3。
//<span class="code-comment"> how often should we snapshot the system for new data?

</span>DWORD interval = 3000;

//<span class="code-comment"> initial list of process IDs and names

</span>PI::ProcessNames names = PI::GetProcessNameList();

//<span class="code-comment"> initial list of thread statistics

</span>PI::Processes old_list = PI::GetProcessList();

DWORD start = ::GetTickCount();

while( true )


    Sleep( interval );

    PI::Processes new_list = PI::GetProcessList();

    DWORD duration = ::GetTickCount() - start;

    DWORD system_total = 0;

    for( PI::Processes::const_iterator p2 = new_list.begin();

         p2 != new_list.end();

         ++p2 )


        PI::Processes::const_iterator p1 = old_list.find( p2->first );

        if( p1 != old_list.end() )


            DWORD user_total = 0;

            DWORD kernel_total = 0;

            for( PI::Threads::const_iterator t2 = p2->second.begin();

                 t2 != p2->second.end();

                 ++t2 )


                PI::Threads::const_iterator t1 = p1->second.find( t2->first );

                if( t1 != p1->second.end() )


                    kernel_total += PI::GetThreadTick( t2->second.kernel ) -

                                    PI::GetThreadTick( t1->second.kernel );

                    user_total += PI::GetThreadTick( t2->second.user ) -

                                  PI::GetThreadTick( t1->second.user );



            float user_percent = ( user_total ) / 

			static_cast< float >( duration ) * 100.0f;

            float kernel_percent = ( kernel_total ) / 

			static_cast< float >( duration ) * 100.0f;

            system_total += user_total + kernel_total;

            //<span class="code-comment"> locate the process name by its ID

</span>            PI::ProcessNames::const_iterator found_name = names.find( p2->first );

            //<span class="code-comment"> if the process ID isn't in the name list, it must be new.

</span>            //<span class="code-comment"> refresh the name list and try again.

</span>            if( found_name == names.end() )


                names = PI::GetProcessNameList();

                found_name = names.find( p2->first );

                //<span class="code-comment"> still can't find the process ID? Just move on.

</span>                if( found_name == names.end() )


                //<span class="code-comment"> At this point we have the process name, kernel time and user

</span>                //<span class="code-comment"> time. use this information in good health!

</span>                //<span class="code-comment">

</span>                //<span class="code-comment"> user_percent = % of the time this process spent in user code

</span>                //<span class="code-comment"> kernel_percent = % of the time this process spent in kernel code

</span>                //<span class="code-comment"> found_name = name of the process' executable.

</span>            }



    //<span class="code-comment"> calculate the total processor percent used

</span>    float percent_used = system_total / static_cast< float >( duration ) * 100.0f;

    old_list = new_list;

    start = ::GetTickCount();



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