
最近的软件项目从一系列的数据点的二次曲线方程推导出的要求。这就是说,以确定A,B,C,Y = AX2 BX C.在确定A,B和C,我还需​​要R平方(决定系数)值。

LstSquQuadRegr solvr = new LstSquQuadRegr();

double the_a_term = solvr.aTerm();  

double the_b_term = solvr.bTerm();

double the_c_term = solvr.cTerm();

double the_rSquare = solvr.rSquare();
y = ax^2 + bx + c

,我们有一系列的点(X1,Y1),(X2,Y2)... ... (XN,YN)。
for i = 1 to n

我们想要的值A,B,和C,最大限度地减少* XI ^ 2 bxi C.易偏差的平方的总和这种价值观的最佳拟合的二次方程。

   F(a,b,c) = SUM (a*xi^2 + bxi + c - yi)^2.


dF/da = SUM 2*(a*xi^2+b*xi+c-yi)*xi^2 = 0,

dF/db = SUM 2*(a*xi^2+b*xi+c-yi)*xi = 0,

dF/dc = SUM 2*(a*xi^2+b*xi+c-yi) = 0.

(在这里,所有的款项范围内对i = 1,2,...,N)除以2并重新排列,使这三同时包含A,B和C三个未知数的线性方程组:
(SUM xi^4)*a + (SUM xi^3)*b + (SUM xi^2)*c = SUM xi^2*yi,

(SUM xi^3)*a + (SUM xi^2)*b +   (SUM xi)*c = SUM xi*yi,

(SUM xi^2)*a +   (SUM xi)*b +    (SUM 1)*c = SUM yi.

使用符号SJK意味着x_i ^ J * y_i ^ K的总和:
a*S40 + b*S30 + c*S20 = S21

a*S30 + b*S20 + c*S10 = S11

a*S20 + b*S10 + c*S00 = S01

  [ S40  S30  S20 ] [ a ]   [ S21 ]

  [ S30  S20  S10 ] [ b ] = [ S11 ]

  [ S20  S10  S00 ] [ c ]   [ S01 ] 

  D = [ S40  S30  S20 ] 

      [ S30  S20  S10 ] 

      [ S20  S10  S00 ]  


    = S40(S20*S00 - S10*S10) - S30(S30*S00 - S10*S20) + S20(S30*S10 - S20*S20)

 Da = [ S21  S30  S20 ]

      [ S11  S20  S10 ] 

      [ S01  S10  S00 ]  

    = S21(S20*S00 - S10*S10) - S11(S30*S00 - S10*S20) + S01(S30*S10 - S20*S20)

 Db = [ S40  S21  S20 ] 

      [ S30  S11  S10 ] 

      [ S20  S01  S00 ]  

    = S40(S11*S00 - S01*S10) - S30(S21*S00 - S01*S20) + S20(S21*S10 - S11*S20)


 Dc = [ S40  S30  S21 ] 

      [ S30  S20  S11 ] 

      [ S20  S10  S01 ] 


    = S40(S20*S01 - S10*S11) - S30(S30*S01 - S10*S21) + S20(S30*S11 - S20*S21)  

a = Da/D

b = Db/D

c = Dc/D
R2 = 1 - (剩余平方和/总平方和的总和)。

total sum of squares = SUM (yi - y_mean)^2.



 residual sum of squares = SUM (yi - yi_predicted)^2.



                          Class LstSquQuadRegr

     A C#  Class for Least Squares Regression for Quadratic Curve Fitting

                          Alex Etchells  2010    


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Collections;

public  class LstSquQuadRegr


     /* instance variables */

    ArrayList pointArray = new ArrayList(); 

    private int numOfEntries; 

    private double[] pointpair;          

    /*constructor */

    public LstSquQuadRegr()


        numOfEntries = 0;

        pointpair = new double[2];


    /*instance methods */    

    /// <summary>

    /// add point pairs

    /// </summary>

    /// <param name="x">x value</param>

    /// <param name="y">y value</param>

    public void AddPoints(double x, double y) 


        pointpair = new double[2]; 

        numOfEntries +=1; 

        pointpair[0] = x; 

        pointpair[1] = y;



    /// <summary>

    /// returns the a term of the equation ax^2 + bx + c

    /// </summary>

    /// <returns>a term</returns>

    public double aTerm()


        if (numOfEntries < 3)


            throw new InvalidOperationException(

               "Insufficient pairs of co-ordinates");


        //notation sjk to mean the sum of x_i^j*y_i^k. 

        double s40 = getSx4(); //sum of x^4

        double s30 = getSx3(); //sum of x^3

        double s20 = getSx2(); //sum of x^2

        double s10 = getSx();  //sum of x

        double s00 = numOfEntries;

        //sum of x^0 * y^0  ie 1 * number of entries

        double s21 = getSx2y(); //sum of x^2*y

        double s11 = getSxy();  //sum of x*y

        double s01 = getSy();   //sum of y

        //a = Da/D

        return (s21*(s20 * s00 - s10 * s10) - 

                s11*(s30 * s00 - s10 * s20) + 

                s01*(s30 * s10 - s20 * s20))


                (s40*(s20 * s00 - s10 * s10) -

                 s30*(s30 * s00 - s10 * s20) + 

                 s20*(s30 * s10 - s20 * s20));


    /// <summary>

    /// returns the b term of the equation ax^2 + bx + c

    /// </summary>

    /// <returns>b term</returns>

    public double bTerm()


        if (numOfEntries < 3)


            throw new InvalidOperationException(

               "Insufficient pairs of co-ordinates");


        //notation sjk to mean the sum of x_i^j*y_i^k.

        double s40 = getSx4(); //sum of x^4

        double s30 = getSx3(); //sum of x^3

        double s20 = getSx2(); //sum of x^2

        double s10 = getSx();  //sum of x

        double s00 = numOfEntries;

        //sum of x^0 * y^0  ie 1 * number of entries

        double s21 = getSx2y(); //sum of x^2*y

        double s11 = getSxy();  //sum of x*y

        double s01 = getSy();   //sum of y

        //b = Db/D

        return (s40*(s11 * s00 - s01 * s10) - 

                s30*(s21 * s00 - s01 * s20) + 

                s20*(s21 * s10 - s11 * s20))


                (s40 * (s20 * s00 - s10 * s10) - 

                 s30 * (s30 * s00 - s10 * s20) + 

                 s20 * (s30 * s10 - s20 * s20));


    /// <summary>

    /// returns the c term of the equation ax^2 + bx + c

    /// </summary>

    /// <returns>c term</returns>

    public double cTerm()


        if (numOfEntries < 3)


            throw new InvalidOperationException(

                       "Insufficient pairs of co-ordinates");


        //notation sjk to mean the sum of x_i^j*y_i^k.

        double s40 = getSx4(); //sum of x^4

        double s30 = getSx3(); //sum of x^3

        double s20 = getSx2(); //sum of x^2

        double s10 = getSx();  //sum of x

        double s00 = numOfEntries;

        //sum of x^0 * y^0  ie 1 * number of entries

        double s21 = getSx2y(); //sum of x^2*y

        double s11 = getSxy();  //sum of x*y

        double s01 = getSy();   //sum of y

        //c = Dc/D

        return (s40*(s20 * s01 - s10 * s11) - 

                s30*(s30 * s01 - s10 * s21) + 

                s20*(s30 * s11 - s20 * s21))


                (s40 * (s20 * s00 - s10 * s10) - 

                 s30 * (s30 * s00 - s10 * s20) + 

                 s20 * (s30 * s10 - s20 * s20));



    public double rSquare() // get r-squared


        if (numOfEntries < 3)


            throw new InvalidOperationException(

               "Insufficient pairs of co-ordinates");


        // 1 - (residual sum of squares / total sum of squares)

        return 1 - getSSerr() / getSStot();



    /*helper methods*/

    private double getSx() // get sum of x


        double Sx = 0;

        foreach (double[] ppair in pointArray)


            Sx += ppair[0];


        return Sx;


    private double getSy() // get sum of y


        double Sy = 0;

        foreach (double[] ppair in pointArray)


            Sy += ppair[1];


        return Sy;


    private double getSx2() // get sum of x^2


        double Sx2 = 0;

        foreach (double[] ppair in pointArray)


            Sx2 += Math.Pow(ppair[0], 2); // sum of x^2


        return Sx2;


    private double getSx3() // get sum of x^3


        double Sx3 = 0;

        foreach (double[] ppair in pointArray)


            Sx3 += Math.Pow(ppair[0], 3); // sum of x^3


        return Sx3;


    private double getSx4() // get sum of x^4


        double Sx4 = 0;

        foreach (double[] ppair in pointArray)


            Sx4 += Math.Pow(ppair[0], 4); // sum of x^4


        return Sx4;


    private double getSxy() // get sum of x*y


        double Sxy = 0;

        foreach (double[] ppair in pointArray)


            Sxy += ppair[0] * ppair[1]; // sum of x*y


        return Sxy;


    private double getSx2y() // get sum of x^2*y


        double Sx2y = 0;

        foreach (double[] ppair in pointArray)


            Sx2y += Math.Pow(ppair[0], 2) * ppair[1]; // sum of x^2*y


        return Sx2y;


    private double getYMean() // mean value of y


        double y_tot = 0;

        foreach (double[] ppair in pointArray)


            y_tot += ppair[1]; 


        return y_tot/numOfEntries;


    private double getSStot() // total sum of squares


        //the sum of the squares of the differences between 

        //the measured y values and the mean y value

        double ss_tot = 0;

        foreach (double[] ppair in pointArray)


            ss_tot += Math.Pow(ppair[1] - getYMean(), 2);


        return ss_tot;


    private double getSSerr() // residual sum of squares


        //the sum of the squares of te difference between 

        //the measured y values and the values of y predicted by the equation

        double ss_err = 0;

        foreach (double[] ppair in pointArray)


            ss_err += Math.Pow(ppair[1] - getPredictedY(ppair[0]), 2);


        return ss_err;


    private double getPredictedY(double x)


        //returns value of y predicted by the equation for a given value of x

        return aTerm() * Math.Pow(x, 2) + bTerm() * x + cTerm();


这是真的 - 它似乎同意由Excel给出的值非常接近。我希望这样可以节省别人的麻烦工作。


评论会员:naeem_libra 时间:2012/01/25
赏识的工作。 5 / 5
评论会员:m00se1234 时间:2012/01/25


    private double getParameters()


        double Sx = 0;

        double Sy = 0;


        foreach (double[] ppair in pointArray)


            Sx += ppair[0];

            Sy += ppair[1];





评论会员:Prcy 时间:2012/01/25

评论会员:约翰Devron 时间:2012/01/25

LstSquQuadRegr L =新LstSquQuadRegr()
l.AddPoints(401 3);
l.AddPoints(402,1); Debug.WriteLine("答:"l.cTerm()的ToString());---> A:-2正确
LstSquQuadRegr L =新LstSquQuadRegr()
l.AddPoints(401 3);
l.AddPoints(402.0000000001,1); Debug.WriteLine("答:"l.cTerm()的ToString());---> A:!1,00581686019371不正确
一个快速的解决办法是使用双十进制insteat(双取代十进制,修复Math.Pow编译器错误,铸造或使用乘法Math.Pow insteat)。但更好的解决方案将optimitze计算D,DA ...
评论会员:lastguy 时间:2012/01/25


这也给了我机会,添加一个通用的getSxy(,INT Xpower采用,INT yPower)/ / X ^ Xpower采用的总和* Y ^ yPower方法 - 这是窃听前
我 我想这个新版本槽,直到这些项目已经在使用这个类,



                          Class LstSquQuadRegr

     A C#  Class for Least Squares Regression for Quadratic Curve Fitting

                          Alex Etchells  2010    

          version 2 using decimals to resolve rounding errors



using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Collections;


public  class LstSquQuadRegr


     /* instance variables */

    ArrayList pointArray = new ArrayList(); 

    private int numOfEntries; 

    private decimal[] pointpair;


    /*constructor */

    public LstSquQuadRegr()


        numOfEntries = 0;

        pointpair = new decimal[2];



    /*instance methods */

    public void AddPoints(double x, double y) 


        pointpair = new decimal[2]; 

        numOfEntries +=1; 

        pointpair[0] = Convert.ToDecimal(x);

        pointpair[1] = Convert.ToDecimal(y);





  y = ax^2 + bx + c


  notation Sjk to mean the sum of x_i^j*y_i^k. 

  2a*S40 + 2c*S20 + 2b*S30 - 2*S21 = 0

  2b*S20 + 2a*S30 + 2c*S10 - 2*S11 = 0

  2a*S20 + 2c*S00 + 2b*S10 - 2*S01 = 0


  solve the system of simultaneous equations using Cramer's law


  [ S40  S30  S20 ] [ a ]   [ S21 ]

  [ S30  S20  S10 ] [ b ] = [ S11 ]

  [ S20  S10  S00 ] [ c ]   [ S01 ] 


  D = [ S40  S30  S20 ] 

      [ S30  S20  S10 ] 

      [ S20  S10  S00 ]  


      S40(S20*S00 - S10*S10) - S30(S30*S00 - S10*S20) + S20(S30*S10 - S20*S20)


 Da = [ S21  S30  S20 ]

      [ S11  S20  S10 ] 

      [ S01  S10  S00 ]  


      S21(S20*S00 - S10*S10) - S11(S30*S00 - S10*S20) + S01(S30*S10 - S20*S20)


 Db = [ S40  S21  S20 ] 

      [ S30  S11  S10 ] 

      [ S20  S01  S00 ]  


      S40(S11*S00 - S01*S10) - S30(S21*S00 - S01*S20) + S20(S21*S10 - S11*S20)


 Dc = [ S40  S30  S21 ] 

      [ S30  S20  S11 ] 

      [ S20  S10  S01 ] 


      S40(S20*S01 - S10*S11) - S30(S30*S01 - S10*S21) + S20(S30*S11 - S20*S21)  




    private decimal deciATerm()


        if (numOfEntries < 3)


            throw new InvalidOperationException("Insufficient pairs of co-ordinates");


        //notation sjk to mean the sum of x_i^j*y_i^k. 

        decimal s40 = getSxy(4, 0);

        decimal s30 = getSxy(3, 0);

        decimal s20 = getSxy(2, 0);

        decimal s10 = getSxy(1, 0);

        decimal s00 = numOfEntries;


        decimal s21 = getSxy(2, 1);

        decimal s11 = getSxy(1, 1);

        decimal s01 = getSxy(0, 1);


        //   Da / D

        return (s21 * (s20 * s00 - s10 * s10) - s11 * (s30 * s00 - s10 * s20) + s01 * (s30 * s10 - s20 * s20))


                (s40 * (s20 * s00 - s10 * s10) - s30 * (s30 * s00 - s10 * s20) + s20 * (s30 * s10 - s20 * s20));



    public double aTerm()


        return Convert.ToDouble(deciATerm());



    private decimal deciBTerm()


        if (numOfEntries < 3)


            throw new InvalidOperationException("Insufficient pairs of co-ordinates");


        //notation sjk to mean the sum of x_i^j*y_i^k. 

        decimal s40 = getSxy(4, 0);

        decimal s30 = getSxy(3, 0);

        decimal s20 = getSxy(2, 0);

        decimal s10 = getSxy(1, 0);

        decimal s00 = numOfEntries;


        decimal s21 = getSxy(2, 1);

        decimal s11 = getSxy(1, 1);

        decimal s01 = getSxy(0, 1);


        //   Db / D

        return (s40 * (s11 * s00 - s01 * s10) - s30 * (s21 * s00 - s01 * s20) + s20 * (s21 * s10 - s11 * s20))


        (s40 * (s20 * s00 - s10 * s10) - s30 * (s30 * s00 - s10 * s20) + s20 * (s30 * s10 - s20 * s20));



    public double bTerm()


       return Convert.ToDouble(deciBTerm());



    private decimal deciCTerm()


        if (numOfEntries < 3)


            throw new InvalidOperationException("Insufficient pairs of co-ordinates");


        //notation sjk to mean the sum of x_i^j*y_i^k.  

        decimal s40 = getSxy(4, 0);

        decimal s30 = getSxy(3, 0);

        decimal s20 = getSxy(2, 0);

        decimal s10 = getSxy(1, 0);

        decimal s00 = numOfEntries;


        decimal s21 = getSxy(2, 1);

        decimal s11 = getSxy(1, 1);

        decimal s01 = getSxy(0, 1);


        //   Dc / D

        return(s40*(s20 * s01 - s10 * s11) - s30*(s30 * s01 - s10 * s21) + s20*(s30 * s11 - s20 * s21))


                (s40 * (s20 * s00 - s10 * s10) - s30 * (s30 * s00 - s10 * s20) + s20 * (s30 * s10 - s20 * s20));



    public double cTerm()


        return Convert.ToDouble(deciCTerm());



    public double rSquare() // get rsquare


        if (numOfEntries < 3)


            throw new InvalidOperationException("Insufficient pairs of co-ordinates");


        return Convert.ToDouble(1 - getSSerr() / getSStot());




    /*helper methods*/

    private decimal getSxy(int xPower, int yPower) // get sum of x^xPower * y^yPower


        decimal Sxy = 0;

        foreach (decimal[] ppair in pointArray)


            decimal xToPower = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < xPower; i++)


                xToPower = xToPower * ppair[0];



            decimal yToPower = 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < yPower; i++)


                yToPower = yToPower * ppair[1];


            Sxy += xToPower * yToPower;


        return Sxy;



    private decimal getYMean()


        decimal y_tot = 0;

        foreach (decimal[] ppair in pointArray)


            y_tot += ppair[1]; 


        return y_tot/numOfEntries;



    private decimal getSStot()


        decimal ss_tot = 0;

        foreach (decimal[] ppair in pointArray)


            ss_tot += (ppair[1] - getYMean()) *  (ppair[1] - getYMean());


        return ss_tot;



    private decimal getSSerr()


        decimal ss_err = 0;

        foreach (decimal[] ppair in pointArray)


            ss_err += (ppair[1] - getPredictedY(ppair[0])) * (ppair[1] - getPredictedY(ppair[0]));


        return ss_err;



    private decimal getPredictedY(decimal x)


        return deciATerm() * x * x + deciBTerm() * x + deciCTerm();




评论会员:唐Kackman 时间:2012/01/25